Holy Encounter # 1: The Now

Participant Experiences from HE # 1...

(Will be shared here soon)

Transcript of Session One

Alright everybody, very warm welcome.

The highest in me, bows to the highest in you.

Very warm welcome to this 21 session Heart Activation sequence, which I’m calling the “Holy Encounter”

It all began with a dream. I was attending, in this dream I was attending you could call it like a workshop but it was definitely some kind of a spiritual workshop and aah we were being guided in a very simple but beautiful way to open our heart. To bring, to come back to our heart and I’ll explain what each of these things mean.

To come back to our heart to rest in our heart and to remain in our heart. We were kind of a handout or a notebook, it was like a handout and within that there were 21 ways to return to our heart.

I did not see all the 21 in the dream but later on as I reflected on it, I came up with the list of entire 21 and it was a very beautiful dream because everybody there was very sincere and you could see that there was a lot depth in the teacher and everybody attending and it did feel like a very Holy dream so I said why just let it be a dream why not actually practice it and why not share it, and that’s what this is about. So glad you all joined and rest of you who are not here live will listen to the recording.

Now the way it works is aah you are going to be given very simple instructions. I invite you to practice for at least 21 mins. I’ll let you know when 21 mins are up, and if you are enjoying it if you have the time, then stay for 42 mins and if you can then stay all the way for 63 mins, but don’t force yourself whatever’s comfortable,

The basic sequence is done in 21 mins. The 42 mins is a little bit more spacious, the same thing is done but it is a little bit little bit more time in between stages and the last one with even more time so I’ll guide you through it. Umm, is there anything else I want to say…. Yeah the Heart. When we say return to the Heart it can have two meanings, one can mean your physical heart, your physical heart can be to the slightly left but the physical heart it could be the heart center, but the other meaning of return to the heart is, to the middle of your experience, to the center of your experience, that’s also a valid way of saying that. So both are valid whether you return to your heart, your physical heart. Or the heart center or you return to the middle of your experience, that’s the same thing.

And now what’s the practice itself let me quickly explain the practice.

Umm, three short phrases, you can actually write down if you have something to write with you can write down these short phrases. Of course, I’m going to be saying it many times so you’ll also learn them, but the three short phrases you want to write down are,

“Return through”

 Second one is “Rest With”

“Rest With” and the third one is

“Remain As.

 So one more time,

“Return through”

“Rest With” and

“ Remain As”

And I’ll give you the complete phrase once you begin the practise but that’s the root that’s going to remain and that’s going to be repeating. Yeah, thank you for writing it.

I think that's about it. Let me tell you also the time for our upcoming practise so this is one thing about this, that I’ve come up with a way in which uhh.. we attend 21 times and the simple way to do that without getting into attendance and everything is that in each session live or recorded you will receive the date and time and the new passcode for the next session. So if you miss a session then you kind of miss the sequence, right. So attend live whenever possible, if you can’t attend live watch the recording. Recording will be available for 21 to 24 hours and if you miss that, if you miss the live and the recording then you have unfortunately or fortunately joined us for as long as you could and so please write down the next one. The next one is gonna be on Thursday which is 25th..25th of January which is a Thursday, it’s going to at the same time which is 6am to 7 am 

That’s going to be our next, we are going to do it 21 times it’ll not be sequential, I mean it will not be everyday there’ll be gaps in between and the next one is coming up on Thursday, 25th of January. And the passcode will be 212121, so it’s quite simple. 21 21 21 three times. So I hope you got that, and uhh if you didn’t get that then you watch the recording and then you can get that later on. Alright so now we are gonna begin .

So, now please sit comfortably. I would recommend you close your eyes for the practise but you can also have it open if you are uncomfortable closing your eyes.

And we begin...

So repeat the following phrase in your heart, Return through the Now, Return through the Now. In this practise we just have small reminders and then we stay with the experience. What does it mean, “Return through the Now”...Return through the Now to the Heart.

So in the beginning approximately every minute I will remind you as we go further in the practise it will become more spacious.

“Return” through the “Now” to the “Heart” and just feel what that means for you.

“Return” through the “Now” to the Heart

Slightly changing the grammar see how it sounds

Return to the Heart through the Now.

The Heart indicates your physical heart it can also indicate the middle of your experience the centre of your experience. This experience. Return to the Heart through the Now. Practise in a very relaxed way. We are not trying to achieve anything great. We’re just connecting with our experience. What has to happen will happen very naturally.

Return to the Heart through the Now

Returning is to gather. We are gathering ourselves from all these different places and we are coming to the middle of our experience. The Heart of our experience.

Return to the Heart through the Now.

And now we slightly change our sentence.

Rest With the Now in the Heart.

Notice the effect of each word. Rest With the Now in the Heart.

You can change the grammar.

Rest With the Heart in the Now.

Rest in the Now with the Heart

These words are just gentle reminders

To help you connect with your experience. Connect with the Now. Connect with your Heart and the Heart of each experience in different ways.

Rest With the Now in the Heart

The best way to practise is without too many expectations.

Just be open. What needs to happen will Happen.

Rest With the Heart in the Now

What is it like to rest with the Now in your heart.

And now there’s a slight change in our sentence.

Remain as the Now in the Heart

Notice the change that happens when the words change what is it like to

Remain as the Now in the Heart 

Would you allow yourself to remain as the Now in the Heart

Remain as the Heart in the Now

Remain as the Now in the Heart

What is it like to remain as the Heart in the Now

Beautiful if any of you need to leave that’s alright. The rest of us will continue. 

This time it’ll be a little bit more spacious. Fewer instructions. 

Return through the Now to the Heart

Return through the Heart to the Now.

Check what aspect of the heart feels right for you. Is it the physical heart, is it the heart centre the spiritual heart or is it the heart of every experience the middle of every experience. And go with the version that feels the most nourishing and restful to you

Return through the heart to the Now.

Return through the Now to the Heart

Can we change the sentence a bit.

Rest With the Now in the Heart

Again check which version of the Heart makes more sense to you, is the most appealing to you…

 The physical heart, the heart centre, the heart of each experience

 It could even mean the warmth of the heart.

The heart quality of warmth

Rest With the Now in the Heart.

Rest With the Now in the Heart.

At this point in the practise make sure you are alert and not getting lost in sleep not getting lost in drowsiness, it helps to sit up straight because we are resting and we are alert.

The Relaxed alertness.

So rest as the Now rest with the Now in the Heart

Rest With the Heart in the Now

These statements are all reminders to remain connected with your actual experience in the middle of your experience in a calm way. Relaxed way.

Our statement changes now

Remain as the Now in the Heart

What is it like to remain as the Now in the Heart

What happens when you remain as the Heart in the Now

Remain as the Now in the Heart

And that’s very beautiful

If you want to complete your practise here that’s fine or you can continue for another 21 minutes. Just do what’s comfortable. You don’t have to push yourself.

If it’s flowing you wanna go deeper just stay with us if not that’s fine.

So now even more spacious. Even fewer instructions. Return through the Now to the Heart

What is it like to return through the Heart to the Now

Rest With the Now in the Heart.

 Rest with the Now in the Heart

Remain as the Now in the Heart 

Remain as the Heart in the Now

Just let everything dissolve. Let go off all the words, all the ideas.

Very beautiful. Over the next minute you can allow yourself to emerge from the practise If you need to take longer that’s fine as well.

 You can emerge by taking a few deeper breaths slowly moving your fingers and toes if you’d like to rub your palms you can moving over your eyes and very slowly open your eyes whenever you are ready. So today we have completed our first of 21 practices. Each practise will be similar but different - slight differences. slight variations and feel free to return to the recording if you want. You’ll have the recording available for 24 hours if you want to do it again, and then beyond that if you want to practise by yourself you can, otherwise just wait till the next session. Both are fine. It’s quite simple by now you would have learnt it and over the coming weeks as you practise, there will be a subtle but definite shift in your consciousness. Allow that to happen. have no expectations.

It will be a shift towards more presence, towards less resistance, towards flow, towards allowing, accepting, less suffering, less strife, less hangups. Less stress. More Love, Wisdom and compassion.

And let that happen like I said by itself in its own sweet organic way. All you have to do is just show up live or recorded. And you will definitely get whatever you are meant to get. I hope many of you can be with us all the way, all 21 practises, but whatever you can do, it will be right for you. So with that we complete today’s practise.

Go gently. Thank you.

Complete and Continue  