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Creating Conscious Community
Art of Reflection- 6 Day Deep Dive
Day 1: The Art of Reflection (85:20)
Day 2: The Art of Reflection (95:58)
Day 3: The Art of Reflection (85:41)
Day 4: The Art of Reflection (90:56)
Day 5: The Art of Reflection (97:37)
Day 6: The Art of Reflection (98:36)
Conscious Community 2022-23 Calls
Session 1: 20th Feb | Reading from Notes to Myself | Breakout room games | (76:18)
Session 2: 27th Feb | Infinite Blessings for Ukraine | (93:49)
Session 3: 6th March | Reading from The Art of Gathering | (92:44)
Session 4: 13th March | The 5 Step Method | (68:17)
Session 5 : 21st March | Reading from a Sutta- Angutra Nikaya 9 (82:02)
Session 6 : 27th March | Reading from Banned Manifestation Secrets | (94:30)
Session 7 : 3rd April | Setting Intentions for the Rishikesh Retreats | (63:41)
Session 8: 10th April | WHO AM I- Activity Session with Rohan Singal | (94:09)
Session 9 : 17th April | Cafe Baatcheet- An Initiative by Shruti Sanganeria | (36:41)
Session 10 : 24th April | Rishikesh Community Retreat Update (71:09)
Session 11 : 1st May | Transcendental Meditation with Nithya and Tools for Sleep with Nalini (98:01)
Session 12: 8th May | On Death & Dying | (79:26)
Session 13: 15th May | On Failure and the Art of Failing Well | 😜 (79:05)
Session 14: 22nd May | Conscious Community Vision | (95:01)
Session 15: 29th May | Beeja Mantra Chanting Meditation and Reading from Various Books | (87:15)
Session 16: 5th June | Ajaan Maha Boowas Teachings | (88:20)
Session 17: 12th June | The Iceberg Model: identifying our Unmet Needs and Core Fears | Shruti Sanganeria | (126:44)
Session 18: 19th June | Circle Work with Naumrata | (24:11)
Session 19: 26th June | (83:05)
Session 20: 3rd July | Check In & Quiz by Nalini | (92:17)
Session 21: 10th July | Gratitude Sharing & Discussion on Intentional Activity Vs Non-Doing (114:47)
Session 22: 17th July | Discussion About the Website | (89:12)
Session 23: 31st July | (94:56)
Session 24: 7th August | Celebrating Friendship Day | (86:18)
Session 25: 11th August | The Seen & the Seer | (72:31)
Session 26| 18th August | (82:01)
Session 28: 1st September | 4 Questions | (55:33)
Session 29 | 8th September | Check in and Sharing | (96:32)
Session 30: 15th September | Nithya's Experiences with GFT | (77:25)
Session 31: 22nd September | Sharing | (60:48)
Session 32: 29th September | Authentic Relating | (66:07)
Session 33: 8th October | Quaker Silence | (75:58)
Session 34: 13th October | No Place to Stand | (89:01)
Session 35: 20th October | Our Recent Learnings and Insights | (58:36)
Session 36: 27th October | (57:05)
Session 37: 10th November | (84:29)
Session 38: 17th November | On Setting Boundaries | (44:39)
Session 39: 24th November | Sharing by Anamika Chakravarthi | (70:44)
Session 40: 1st December | On Dreams | (48:57)
Session 41: 8th December | Session with Nithya | (80:39)
Session 42: 15th December | Being the Flow | (85:22)
Session 43: 22nd December | Reading of Mary Oliver's Poems | (70:24)
Session 44: 5th January | Beliefs about Money | (69:23)
Session 45: 12th January | Discussion on the talk by Lama Anagarika Govinda | (74:45)
Session 46: 19th January | Sharing and Discussion | (67:50)
Session 47: 26th January | Practicing Self Compassion | (51:29)
Session 48: 2nd February | The Final Call | (92:52)
First Section
Session #1: Connecting to the Tribe (97:26)
Session #2: On Polarities and Tell-A-Vision (87:28)
Session #3: The Power of Appreciation (124:10)
Session #4: Addressing Conflict in a Community (106:16)
Session #5: What is the story you want to tell? (103:35)
Session # 6: Effective Communication (104:38)
Guest Sessions- Awareness About Downs Syndrome And Conflict Management (98:28)
Session # 8: On Community Interests And Gatherings (122:42)
Session # 9: Expressing Gratitude (92:09)
Session # 10: Visualising The Vision (96:00)
Session # 11: Exploring Conscious Communities Around The World (98:01)
Session # 12: Authentic Relating Principles (103:26)
Session # 13: Community Interests & Guidelines And Games (97:53)
Session # 14: Community Canvas: How Communities are Created. (95:17)
Session # 15: Authentic Relating with Jason Digges (101:28)
Session # 16: Setting A Strong Foundation (63:27)
Session # 17: The Power of Miraculous Thoughts (119:51)
Session # 18: The Glow of Gratitude (71:09)
Session # 19: The Stone Soup Stories (91:32)
Session # 20: Quantum Pause, Naiken & Circling (89:47)
Session # 21: The Subject Tonight Is Love (124:48)
Session # 22: The Mangal Mitra Covid Support Initiative (95:26)
Session # 23: Meditation and Reading (101:31)
Session # 24: Lessons from Life Worth Sharing (90:52)
Session # 25: Talent Night (134:19)
Session # 26: A Promise to Practice 3 Things (94:58)
Session # 27: Power Of Intent- Rohan Singal (102:43)
Session # 28: Ascension Games (81:21)
Session # 29: The Big Rocks Challenge (88:22)
Session # 30: Theta Healing Session (110:08)
Session #31: Surrender To The Unknown (101:20)
Session #32: Sharing of Experiences and Manifestation Activity (90:30)
Session #33: Subba Vaidyanathan Talks About The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (115:01)
Session #34: WOOP Technique (106:13)
Session #35: Vision For The Future (160:16)
Session #36: Who Is Taking Delivery Of This Experience (112:07)
Session #37: The Five Agreements (90:23)
Session #38: What I stand for, my high point, my low point and shower of blessings (125:19)
Sesssion #39: "Coming Home To Wellness"- THAC Wellness Principles (99:58)
Session #40: Addressing Trauma (88:53)
Session #41: The Community Vision Meditation (106:46)
Session #42: What If Today Was The Last Day Of My Life (101:12)
Session #43: Sharing & Bonding As A Community (110:34)
Session #44: Awareness Games (101:12)
Session #45: Planning Our First Retreat (94:30)
Session #46 (August 4th) (78:32)
Session #47: Vision and Gifts for the Community (75:06)
Session # 48: Law of Attraction (79:52)
Session #49: Forgiveness for Personal Freedom by Dr Smitha Shubhram (97:28)
Session #50: Yoga Breathing Discovery Session by Sangeeta Wadhawan (120:57)
Session 51: Power Thank You Session with Rohan Singal (98:21)
Session 52: Reading from Lal Ded and Kashmir Shaivism (107:56)
Session 53: The Community Retreat Plan (93:29)
Session 54: And Let The Games Begin! (79:46)
Session 55: On Grief and Grieving (96:48)
Session 56: Wishing Well and Blessings (127:34)
Session 57: Ganesh Chaturthi Celebrations (120:23)
Session 58: Community Updates and Reading (87:27)
Session 59: Theme for the Fortnight- Authentic Relating (97:50)
Session 60: Authentic Relating Activity - Frames (99:44)
Session 61: Authentic Relating Activity - Split Brain (78:33)
Session 62: Authentic Relating Activity: Silent Presence (98:25)
Session 63: Meet the Founders of The Anhad Community (121:34)
Session 64: Tell A Better Story (118:07)
Session 65: Authentic Relating Activity- Discussion on Venting (86:06)
Session 66: What Is My Deepest Longing? (89:57)
Session 67: My Vision /Contribution to the Conscious Community (88:15)
Session 68: On Open Space Technologies and Becoming a Conscious Channel (98:29)
Session 69: The Four Fundamental Principles of Ikegai (77:51)
Session 70 : Amor Fati- The Activity of Grace (97:54)
Session 71: Know Your Sangha (113:54)
Session 72: Resting in the Silence Practice (72:42)
Session 73: The Practice of Wabi Sabi (95:55)
Session 74: The Practice- Leaning into the Dimension of Knowing (72:29)
Session 75: What is Love (130:42)
Session 76: The Coming Together of our Conscious Community (85:11)
Session 77:Reading from I Am That & Discussions on Death (107:31)
Session 78: Circle of Surrender (67:28)
Session 79: Our First Community Retreat!! (101:51)
Session 80: Sharing by Participants of the retreat (86:36)
Session 81: Future Plans for the Community (72:04)
Session 82: Unburdening and Awakening with Gratitude (79:30)
Session 83: Community Updates and Meditation with Nithya (101:37)
Session 84: Dee's Experience on 8 Verses on Mind Training and Open Sharing (76:21)
Session 85: View-Practice-Action & Co-Create 2022 with Rohan (89:50)
Session 86: 3-2-1 method and Re-visiting Co-Create with Rohan (63:45)
Session 87: Sunday Call 26th December 2021 (37:46)
Session 88: Wednesday Call 29th December 2021 (125:44)
Session 89: What is my Prison? (65:31)
Session 90: On Fear and Wonderment (79:22)
Session 91: Open Intelligence - Upcoming Retreats Ppt by Srikumar- Circling (61:51)
Session 92: Final Wednesday Call- Reading and Bessings (107:33)
Session 93: Attention & Intention (70:09)
Session 94: Reading from Conflict = Energy (69:41)
Session 95: Reading from The Art of Gathering and discussions on Controversies (84:49)
Session 96: On Embodying your Realisation (64:45)
2021 Final Call: Power of Intention by Ritu Singhal and a Recap of the Year Gone By (92:05)
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Session 75: What is Love
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