Five Ways to Awaken Abundance Consciousness

In this session Nithya describes Five Ways to Awaken Abundance Consciousness.


  1. Clarity - Getting in touch with our inspiring YES (and how to do so)
  2. Focus - Pouring ourselves wholeheartedly into whatever we are doing
  3. Connection - With self, with others, with life.
  4. Gratitude - Appreciation of the abundance we always already have
  5. Clearing - Limiting beliefs and assumptions that keep our "tree" from growing

The session starts with a guided meditation, is followed by an inspiring talk and ends with a powerful reading. There is also an invitation to learn more about his upcoming six month Abundance Course by joining a WhatsApp group.

Abundance Academy with Nithya Shanti.pdf

The beautiful song I played at the beginning and end of this session...

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