Arigato Money! Danke & Tak

Resources and Recordings from the Arigato Money Course - Danke and Tak Batches

The aim of this course is to heal, energize and transform our relationship with money in all its forms. To be able to see money as a great teacher, as an energy of blessings and to see ourselves as wide open channels for these blessings to flow forth. Also to be able to directly tune into the energy field of money and to wholehearted thank money (Arigato Money!) whenever it is received and also thank and bless it whenever it is given - thereby accessing a sublime state of perpetual flow.

This course is a deeply healing and enriching experience for those who participate. There have been many small and large money miracles participants have already experienced. We discovered that the benefits of this course seem to extend far beyond money - we start having reverence and being grateful for everything in our life.

Basic practice:

Say "Arigato!" to any amount of money, whenever you receive it. Keep gratitude alive.

Say to money whenever you spend it: "Arigato! Go as a blessing and come back with your friends!"

This course is a great adventure. Join us if you feel called - if something deep in you says, "Yes!"


Your Instructor

Nithya Shanti
Nithya Shanti

I'm Nithya Shanti and I have been inspired to create this course. I am committed to sharing timeless and universally valid teachings for freedom and joy. My aim is to share things that move and inspire me deeply with the intention that they sow seeds of brilliance within each of you that is drawn to receive these messages.

A bit about my journey...

An interest in personal growth and spirituality from an early age inspired me to read many books and engage in long discussions with friends and teachers. Not content with intellectual understanding alone, I began a daily practice of meditation at the age of sixteen and attended many meditation retreats. I later completed an MBA from XLRI, Jamshedpur and worked in the corporate world.

In 2002, I left my career and ordained as a Buddhist Monk. After six years of living in remote forest meditation monasteries in Thailand, Sri Lanka and also various parts of India and the US, I was guided to live, learn and serve in broader ways than the traditional role of a monk permitted. With the blessings of my teachers I stepped out of monastic life in early 2008.

My aim is facilitating an appropriate inner shift towards complete wholeness and alignment in all who are drawn to this work.

Course Curriculum

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
It starts on 1st July or 2nd July depending on which batch you are a part of. It continues for 21 days.
What if a couple (or two or more people in the same family) want to sign up? Will it be a single sign up or two?
It will be a dual sign up if both of you want to actively participate in the Live calls and assignments. Sign up for only one person if one of you is okay being a silent spectator and watch the sessions without being actively involved.
If for some reason I miss a session in the morning would it possible to accommodate me in the evening session for that particular instance?
No I'm afraid you can't do that - these are two separate batches. However you can watch the recording in that case. Make it a point to prioritize attending the Live sessions. They are the main part of this course. This is not so much an informational course, it is an experiential one.

May your relationship with money

in all its forms be beautifully transformed

so you see money as

an energy of blessings.

Get started now!